How to improve DuckDB performance on Parquet

Last week, we ran ClickBench on Postgres and ranked in the top 10. We showed that Postgres can be extended with pg_mooncake to support serious analytics workloads.
In the announcement, we got a lot of questions on how pg_mooncake outperforms DuckDB on Parquet files even though internally, it embeds DuckDB in Postgres and stores data in Parquet format.
The best part, pg_mooncake does not modify DuckDB at all...
A quick recap of the pg_mooncake design.
We recommend the full read.
pg_mooncake is a Postgres extension that adds columnar-oriented storage and vectorized execution for fast analytics.
- Data in columnstore tables are stored in Parquet files
- Table metadata (which Parquet files are present) is stored in Postgres with transactional guarantee
- Queries on columnstore tables are executed using DuckDB
How can an Elephant catch a Duck?
At first glance, it seems unlikely that a system which routes Postgres queries through DuckDB to scan Parquet files, could outperform DuckDB scanning those files directly. And on ClickBench, this holds true: pg_duckdb (10.21x) exhibits significant overhead compared to DuckDB (Parquet, partitioned) (6.76x).
Surprisingly, despite relying on pg_duckdb, pg_mooncake (6.03x) is approximately 1.5x faster than pg_duckdb and even outperforms DuckDB (Parquet, partitioned) itself.
So, Why Does pg_mooncake Outperform DuckDB?
pg_mooncake leverages Postgres to store table metadata, eliminating the need to query an external catalog (as DuckDB would require when scanning external Iceberg or Delta Lake tables). Instead, it directly queries the Postgres table to identify which Parquet files to scan, reducing overhead.
Additionally, pg_mooncake stores detailed Parquet metadata for each file in Postgres, including column statistics for every row group. These statistics, such as MIN/MAX values for each column, are aggregated to optimize scans. When querying a columnstore table, pg_mooncake uses these statistics to filter out data files and row groups that cannot produce matches.
For instance, in a query like:
.... WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-01-31'...
any row groups or segments outside this date range are skipped. By avoiding unnecessary I/O, this optimization dramatically enhances query performance.
Since parsing Parquet metadata is computationally expensive, pg_mooncake further minimizes overhead by maintaining an in-memory cache for Parquet metadata, resulting in an additional 5% speedup in query execution.
Why still stick to Parquet?
We’re often asked this question. If raw performance were the only consideration, using a custom memory format would allow us to squeeze out the last bit of performance.
However, we believe in the openness that the Lakehouse architecture brings. Postgres isn’t designed to manage every aspect of your data lifecycle, and this approach enables seamless multi-engine interoperability.
Most importantly, we demonstrated that you can achieve good performance even with Postgres and Parquet.
There are plenty of optimizations left for DuckDB (and pg_mooncake)
While running ClickBench, we identified several areas of improvement for both DuckDB and pg_mooncake. We’re excited to work on these optimizations with our community, contribute upstream changes to DuckDB or implement it as DuckDB's OptimizerExtension.
We'd love to make DuckDB on Parquet even faster; making open formats even more a reality.